The Pitons Management Area which encompasses the Pitons and the Sulphur Springs was recognized by UNESCO as having Outstanding Universal Value and bestowed the privilege of World Heritage Site status. If we did not know the value of OUR LAND then, we are surely finding out now.
OUR LAND including CROWN lands is prime real estate that is being sold to foreign developers to build hotels that desecrate and pollute OUR LAND and OUR SEA for a few dollars.
OUR LAND, our heritage, our patrimony is being sold by government with no consideration for OUR PEOPLE all in the name of development and the crass excuse that "jobs will be provided". I am in favor of sustainable development, but when my RIGHT to beach access is denied, and archaelogical sites are ravaged by machines, where is the sustainability? What legacy are we prepared to leave for our children?
We are at the tipping point!
St Lucians, it is OUR fault that we are in this mess because we sit back and do nothing. What price are we willing to pay for development, primarily touristic development (which by the way is a public purpose according to a private land acquisiton notice in the St. Lucian Gazette)?
NOW we must demand accountability from the political directorate and our pound of flesh.