Monday, September 21, 2009

How proud are we of what we have?

in The Star: How proud are we of what we have?

Written By: Toni Nicholas in onSep 21st, 2009

On the surface it is just two beautiful peaks of rocks, jutting out of the sea, covered in vegetation, which draws more oohs and aahs from visitors than from locals. However the much lauded, celebrated PitonsManagement Area, the one place that Christopher Reeves in Superman 2 had to come to find the perfect flower for Lois Lane, has at least 250 species of plants, many of them found only or mainly there.
There are also eight rare species of tree, one found only on the summit of Petit Piton.
Additionally twenty-seven bird species have been recorded on Gros Piton as well as five endemic birds, three rodents, the indigenous opossum, three species of bat, eight reptiles and numerous butterflies make the Pitons their home.

The surrounding waters are just as impressive—with the coral reefs being described as healthy and diverse, comprising of fringing and patch reefs. Down below, there are 168 species of finfish, a variety of corals, molluscs and eight annelid worms. Hawksbill turtles are seen inshore whilst whale sharks and pilot whales splurge offshore.

This must have been the sort of thing that inspired singer India Arie when she visited here. After jumping into the waters in Soufriere in the buff, she later recorded “God is real” ... read the article.

Visit the pitons with an eyebird view

We can monitor what is happening in the protected area of the Pitons by Google earth. You download the software, you go to Saint Lucia and you obtain a very precise view of the Pitons.
Check all houses builded and roads...

Big brother is helping us !

an example of real Estate taking advantage of UNESCO classification

Threats on the Pitons come from Real Estate projects. Here is an example of what can be done today in the area, saling the Unesco world Heritage name and in the same time working against it !!!

Welcome to the St Lucian citizens blog to save the Piton areas

To know more about what is happenning in the Piton areas
and to create a strong advocacy stream to Government,
to be proactive and find solutions for the Pitons to remain a orld Unesco Site
please inform about our blog and join the movement...